Saturday, December 17, 2011

Life Drawing @Art/Not 003

Life drawing from Art/not this morning. Forgot to pay last week, and then forgot to pay the meter after 2 hours... Grand total for life drawing today = $64.00. geez...luckily Ol' Ben Hopper is going to be kind enough to split that ticket, so I guess it's more like $42.00. Anyways, the materials and process for these was:

Tombow Marker for layout,
Conte Crayon pass for line and some detail,
Vine Charcoal for medium and light values,
Compressed Charcoal for the darks,
White-out pen for highlights and lines on giant newsprint.

25 minutes poses.


marbarsal said...

Fantastic...keep it up! ;)

Anonymous said...

Nice drawings. I occasionally get down to Art/Not, although it has been 6 months at least since the last time. Maybe I will see you there sometime. -Michael McDevitt